Älgafallet / Elgåfossen

This 46-metre high waterfall on the Enningdalsälven is interesting because it is located in two countries at the same time, as the Enningdalsälven is a border river. The right side of the waterfall, Elgåfossen, is in Norway and the left side of the waterfall, Älgafallet, is in Sweden.

The place is therefore perfect for cross-border movement, and this has been the case in the past. During II. World War, people were smuggled into the area, and in more recent times during the Coronavirus measures, when cross-border movement and contact of people was banned, friends, families and lovers who were otherwise divided by the border met here.

The waterfall is interesting in another way. While Sweden’s Älgafallet is one of the highest waterfalls in Sweden at 46 metres, Elgåfossen, at 46 metres, is not even in the top 100 Norwegian waterfalls.