Dackegrottan (Baldon)

The cave of the famous 16th century Swedish rebel Nils Dacke is located under a huge boulder deep in the woods near the village of Baldon. The entrance to the cave is through a gap between the stones, which is about a meter wide, but more than 2 meters deep and the steps that once served to enter are no longer usable, so enter only at your own risk.
There is a small parking lot along the forest road for one, maximum two vehicles. From here it is only about 30m as the crow flies to the cave entrance. You won’t walk more than 100m, if you search for more than that, you’re lost and lost.

From the car park, take the narrow forest path that leads slightly to the right and you should find the entrance to the cave without any problems. If you take the tractor-tracked path, you will find yourself wandering in the woods.