
Gásadalur (translated as Valley of the Geese) is the westernmost village on Vágar Island, which until 2006 was accessible only by foot, boat or helicopter. It was only the opening of the Gásadalstunnilin tunnel that connected the village of Gásadalur to the world via a road network, if one can even think of it that way on a fairly small archipelago.

You won’t usually find Gásadalur among the Faroe Islands’ top attractions, but that’s just an appearance. The reason to come here may be the beautiful views of the nearby island of Mykines, but mainly the world-famous Múlafossur waterfall. And almost every photo of the Múlafossur waterfall includes the village of Gásadalur. So actually everyone who has ever seen Múlafossur knows it, they just don’t know about it. It is similar to Rossini’s overture to Wilhelm Tell, which everyone knows, only they don’t know about it.

If you would like to experience a time when there was no road to Gasadalur, you can use the old so-called. the postman’s trail and walk from Bøur village over the ridge to Gásadalur. Just for the record, there is no cemetery in Gásadalur, so if someone died here, the deceased had to be taken to the cemetery in a coffin along this path to Bøur.

Given its remoteness, it may come as no surprise that the village of Gásadalur has less than 20 permanent residents.