
Reinebringen (448 m) – definitely one of Norway’s most famous mountains and undoubtedly the icon of the Lofoten archipelago. And not so much because of its shape, but mainly for the views of the fjords and the village of Reine that it offers. The ascent of the Reinebringen is not among the easiest, and in the past there have been countless incidents and injuries, and several people have died during the climb.

The Reinebringen was inaccessible for some time and only reopened in 2019 after the installation of the so-called. Sherpa stairs, which help tourists to overcome the most difficult places. The fact that there are both stairs and aid ropes in the same place can help you imagine how it goes when climbing. Even nowadays, however, the climb is not for everyone and there are places that are not among the easiest. Just send your grandmother or aunt to Reine instead of going out for coffee.

The ascent begins at the coast at the so-called. the old way, when the road ran along the coast. You can park in the car park about 1.5 kilometres after the tunnel and then follow the road to the start of the trail.

Anyway, if you go here, you won’t regret it. And as everyone knows, if you’re looking for peace and solitude, you won’t find it here, with up to 1,000 people a day sometimes heading to the summit.